Human Trafficking Policy

Anti-Slavery Human Trafficking Statement

This statement is made by Trilliant Holdings Inc., and it’s subsidiaries (“Trilliant”), pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (‘the Act’) and constitutes our anti-slavery and human trafficking statement for 2024.

About Trilliant

Trilliant® empowers the energy industry with the only purpose-built communications platform that enables utilities and cities to securely and reliably deploy any application – on one powerful network. With the most field-proven, globally compliant solution in the market, Trilliant empowers you by connecting the world of things®.

Where we Work

We find ourselves in an ever changing and dynamic industry. Utilities, energy retailers, and municipalities are under increasing pressure to deal with supply limitations, environmental mandates, intermittent renewables, and changing demand with the growing popularity of plug-in electric vehicles, distributed generation, and consumers’ desire to use energy more efficiently. We’re also faced with the daunting technical complexities to unify the disparate information fromthe many systemsresulting fromthe evolving landscape ofsystems, energy devices, and applications Trilliant believes that the next generation smart grid must be built on a network that allows for frictionless exchange of data. Our advanced technologies are designed to work with virtually any system to provide an open, secure, powerful source of data now and for generations to come. The future is bright, and innovation will be rapid. We are honored to have worked with leading utilities and cities around the world who collectively serve more than 100 million customers, in developed countries like North America and Europe and with developing countries in Asia Pacific and Latin America. We look forward to continuing to innovate and partner with our utility and city customers to deliver real benefits of smart energy to their operations, their consumers and society.


Trilliant has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. We believe the transparent disclosure of our anti-human trafficking efforts is critical, and we report consistent with the requirements of the United Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act of 2015. We have comprehensive policies and procedures, including our Business Conduct and Ethics policy, which require our employees and suppliers to comply with applicable law, behave in an ethical manner and ensure the integrity of their operations in support of our programs. Acting with integrity includes being accountable for the highest standards of behavior. We expect our suppliers to treat people with respect and dignity, encourage diversity, remain receptive to diverse opinions, promote equal opportunity, and foster an inclusive and ethical culture. Suppliers must refrain from violating the rights of others and address any adverse human rights impacts of their operations. Suppliers are required to ensure that child labor is not used in the performance of our work. As a global company we consider the risk of this to be low.


  • Requires the same high standards from all of its contractors, suppliers and other business partners and expects them to respect and share the company’s values and to hold their own suppliers to the same high standards.
  • Has a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business dealing and relationships.
  • Is committed to maintaining the highest standards by implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to prevent slavery and human trafficking entering its own business and supply chains.

This zero-tolerance approach extends beyond Trilliant’s own business and supply chains and we are committed to ensuring that the services we provide do not facilitate or assist slavery and human trafficking in any way. Our people are expected to be vigilant to this risk and are encouraged to voice any concerns openly as soon as they become aware of them under our whistleblowing policies.

We will continue our training and awareness program. In 2024, we will ensure that all members in our global offices have received updated training on the requirements of the Act and preventing slavery and human trafficking generally.

Our procurement procedures require new or existing suppliers to confirm that they will comply with the requirements of the Act and that they require their own suppliers to abide by the same high standards.

This statement has been approved by Andrew C. White as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Trilliant Holdings Inc. and its subsidiaries.


Andrew White
CEO & Chairman