Advanced Communications Support
As utilities continue the shift to the new energy economy, the Spectra Meter provides a reliable, secure option with advanced communications support. Key features and benefits of this unique meter include:
Interval Data Recording and Self Reads: 8MB NV memory for storing profile, data logs, and self-read data, providing a simple and clear upgrade path without the need for an additional option board.
Instrumentation: Spectra displays more than 50 different instrumentation quantities and provide the equivalent functions of all the following devices: voltmeter, wattmeter, VA meter, distortion indicator, ammeter, VAR meter, phase angle meter, and phase rotation indicator.
Revenue Metering: Spectra is a revenue meter with high accuracy (0.2 accuracy class), providing advanced four quadrant revenue functions, transformer and line loss compensation, and increased data profiling without adding hardware option boards.
Power Quality Monitoring: A power guard component in Spectra detects and identifies power quality problems before they become complaints.
Support for Multiple Communication Types: Powerful, dual-band RF Mesh, Low Power Wide Area Networks, 5G Cellular, ZigBee, Bluetooth, and more
Maintenance With Uninterrupted Service: Spectra’s modular design allows for battery or communication module service to occur without interrupting metrology or power service.
Full support for Edge Computing and Applications